
I participated in Virginia Doran’s workshop on her original method of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture and found her protocol to be highly effective. She presents information clearly and with an engaging manner. Her commitment and integrity to her work shine through all the way.

Marilee Murphy, L.Ac., R.N., Former chair of the National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and former Dean of the Finger Lakes School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at New York Chiropractic College (USA)


I have spent over ten years using the amazing protocol Virginia developed, after flying out to the US to train with her.  What Virginia teaches is the most wholistic and comprehensive approach to FRA that I have experienced – she leads the competition I have to say!  I have many happy clients.

Philip Davies, Award Winning Spa Founder/Director/Consultant, London, UK


This seminar has been the best facial rejuvenation acupuncture seminar that I’ve taken. I’ve taken 2 others previously. The point combinations to benefit the skin!

Amorette A. Delgado, L.Ac., Boulder, CO (USA)


Thank you! My model in the workshop was a physical therapist and she told me that two of her patients said she looks radiant today! I’m excited to bring your method into my practice.

Juliette Aiyana, Author of Chinese Medicine and Healthy Weight Management and Acupuncturist New York CIty (USA)


I loved taking your workshops.  It has been very beneficial to my clinic.  Please let me know when you’re going to offer rejuvenation workshops in the Boston area again.  I’d love to brush up my skills, and learn something new.

Yili Cao M.Ac., Waltham, MA (USA)


Being a busy practitioner, always grateful to have tools where I can look up and recall things I had seen or heard. Virginia’s DVD does just that.  Whether you had taken her seminar or not in person, the DVD is a great reminder. Like many great resources, it serves as a launching pad for other ideas or theories I came up with on my own journeys with my patients. Save time and frustration, take a look – it is definitely not just about the face. 

Cynthia Siu, MSTOM, L.Ac., Faculty and Continuing Education Instructor at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, PCOM, NY (USA)


I am so enjoying your DVD, it’s great, and you come across really well. Can’t wait for the book too, I’m so pleased you are doing them, it really establishes you as the lead player. Brilliant!

Thank you for my handouts, they are great too. A book will be great and really make it clear that you are such an innovator and leader in the field. 

Sally Cook, Acupuncturist and Homeopath, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom


Dear Virginia, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the DVD. It was really great to go through everything again and helped me feel more at ease with my patients. I think it was the perfect combination with your in-person class! Thank you!

Christina Robb, LAC, Phoenix, AZ (USA)


Thank you very much for the information.  I would like to come to your aromatherapy or herbal therapy seminar.  Thank you for the DVD.  It is very helpful and well done. 

Ausra Kaminskas, M.Ac., L.Ac., Bethesda, MD and Washington, DC (USA)


I have done two photo shoots for the two spas I work for and they took several photos of the Facial Rejuvenation facial treatment. Thanks again for the class, I have had wonderful feedback and results.

Yvette Dellanini, L.Ac. San Mateo, CA (USA)


Hi Virginia, I just watched the DVDs. I have to say I learned so much more. Classroom is not the best for me. If you are not fully engaged 100% of the time you can miss the boat. I think it is well presented, and clear. Good photography, and diagrams. Thanks again. 

Nancy Sposato, L.Ac., Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA)


You are a pleasure to work with. Thank you so much for traveling to our humble little school to share your expertise. I look forward to the next year of hosting your workshops at AIMC.

Erin Olinick, Former Continuing Ed. Director, Acupuncture and Integrated Medicine College (AIMC), Berkeley, CA (USA)


It is me that should be THANKING YOU! I truly enjoyed your workshop and learned so much – in fact I came home last night and went right to the DVD, which is fantastic. I actually saw what I was doing wrong with my points on the scalp….I was forming a triangle with the wrong points…..no wonder I couldn’t get it right. The visuals on the DVD made me see that clearly …so thank you so much for the DVD and ALL the amazing oils. We will definitely meet again soon.

Carla Gervasio, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine student at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York City (USA)


My patient says people who haven’t run into her for several weeks, just blurt right out, “my god, what have you done to your face, it looks fabulous!”  She just beams to return for treatment #8. Actually, I am incorporating quite a bit of the flower essence therapy with treatment, which I have just come to love using. . .I use it for everything now –  injury, stress, psychic protection, etc. Thanks for you time and your teaching.  You have an incredible gift, and I feel blessed to have been a recipient of a small portion of your knowledge.

Denice Murphy, L.Ac. Hawaii (USA)


Dear Virginia! I bought your new DVD in December and I watched it several times. It’s really great!!! Especially the practical part, which is very good to remember – the special techniques. I also liked the written facts and power points, to underline the most important facts you spoke about. Greetings from Vienna!

Dr. Med. Bettina Unden, Zistersdotf, Austria


I have been using your treatment techniques for several years now and I’m continually impressed with—and sometimes even surprised by—the effectiveness of these treatments. My patients are just as pleased as I am!

Ashley S. Goddard, L. Ac., PS, Bellingham, WA (USA)


I was just looking at your wonderful video! I remember taking your awesome class in 2003 at Bastyr University in Seattle. I was just about to graduate at the time, and now several years later still occasionally refer to my notes from your class! Classic and effective treatments prove to provide long-lasting results.

In the midst of “catching up” after your seminar on facial rejuvenation in Santa Cruz, I felt compelled to write you a letter of gratitude. Your discussion, demeanor, presentation and “no-nonsense” approach spoke to me in a precise and efficient manner which I so appreciate. Additionally, I returned to Dallas feeling competent to perform the treatment protocol because of your taking the time to personally critique the work I did on patients in class.

Thank you so very much for sharing your long-term in-depth experience and knowledge.

Sharon Baird, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac., Fort Lauderdale, FL (USA)


Thank you so much for the all the work you’ve done putting together the Facial Rejuvenation program. I started giving the treatments as soon as I got back from the workshop and am really enjoying it. I like how specific it is – it suits me perfectly and I really love working with the essential oils and hydrosols.  It’s obvious that you’ve put an incredible amount of time and energy into this – and I feel really lucky to have gotten the chance to learn from you. Thanks also for the website referral.

Susan Beck, Acupuncturist  Portland, OR (USA)


The experience of  the Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture certification at Bastyr University was awesome. I so appreciate your investment of creating such a wonderful system. It is a contribution to health care that serves individuals in the four areas of experience…physical, mental, emotional and spiritual…all of which can certainly afford rejuvenating to enhance well-being. I am amazed by what a difference each treatment accomplishes. 

It is truly a gift you have shared with us as your budding apprentices. I am committed to making a flow of energy happen in this arena, and will alter my acupuncture practice accordingly. 

I have already 6 clients in progress, five women and one man. Each of these people is profoundly aware of the shifting of energy not only in their faces but also systemically.

I am sending on to you my registration info for your referral site, and I look forward to being available for referrals here in Seattle and in Sequim, WA.

I hope to register for the Aromatherapy course you will be teaching here. In the meantime, it will be fun to try out the various suggestions you have included in this category.

With appreciation and gratitude to you,

Dianne Smith Cubell, RN, LAc, Seattle, WA (USA)


“Thank You!” again, for the opportunity to assist with the class this past weekend in PA! I truly appreciate having the chance to refresh my skill sets and learn (or relearn) a few new things as well. It’s totally awesome to see the reaction of students and patients, when they observe the positive changes in their appearance and how refreshed they feel afterwards. It inspires me to promote this work to a MUCH larger degree in my practice, plus I really enjoy implementing the protocol and the “meditative zone” that goes with it.

Your new DVD – Wow!! I can’t wait to sit down and watch it – it will clearly be an invaluable tool to view repeatedly, especially the practical close-ups, as I am a perfectionist when it comes to these things. Congrats on producing and offering such a high quality product to your students. I also love all the wonderful tidbits that you share with us, from the teas, to the awesome line of energetic angelic sprays you’ve discovered, etc. Great stuff!!

It was wonderful to see you again & I look forward to the next time you come back, to hopefully offer some of your other workshops also!

Suzette Gore, LOM, Langhorne, PA (USA)


I greatly enjoyed and learned from your DVD set. Thank you for sharing your expertise and knowledge. I plan to incorporate facial acupuncture into my practice.

Waseem Mir, MD New York, NY (USA)


I just wanted to thank you for presenting such an informative workshop last weekend. It really gave me a lot of new information and ideas about how best to help my patients look and feel better. Also, thank you for letting me be the guinea pig! You have a great way with the needles. I am wondering if you know the name of the newspaper that the article is going to be in? I would like to contact them to arrange to get a copy if at all possible.  I look forward to coming to more of your workshops.

You did a great job and never forget that. YOU are the expert on your topic–after all, you are teaching us!  I know that I am not the only one there who was excited, stimulated, and encouraged by your program.

I am interested in being on your referral network. 

Gloria Green, Acupuncturist Federal Way, WA (USA)


It was my good fortune to have studied with you, and have treated about 10 clients this first year, and hope to continue. Hopefully, there will be another opportunity in the future to study further. Let me know if you have any more advanced workshops planned for 2003. Is it alright with you to link to your website if people want more information about facial rejuvenation?  

Naomi Caspe, Acupuncturist San Francisco, CA (USA)


I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to TA the clinical portion of your class.  I really enjoyed working with you and the students and felt the experience reinforced my knowledge.  I believe in the efficacy of your protocol and am proud to promote it in my private practice.  I would love to help again when you return to Seattle.Thank you again for the opportunity.

Desiree Merulli, Acupuncturist, Seattle, Washington (USA)


Thank you so much for your wonderful healing and inspirational presence.   I hope we meet again soon.  I brought a little bit of Hawaii back with me in my essential oil mix…it’s really quite ecstatic.

By the way, I did a have quite a terrible rash/reaction to the tiny jellyfish that get inside your bathing suit and sting….Tried all kinds of things but the itch is horrible.   However, what really worked was the hydrosol that I had made at the workshop for my daughter’s acne!!!  Luckily I could easily carry and apply it in the car and plane or keep by the bedside.   Worked much better than Calamine, Benadryl, aloe, alcohol, vinegar, etc. etc.  

You can use my testimonial to the power of your wonderful teaching and excellent quality hydrosols.  It really was a saving grace on those jellyfish stings. Many mahalos (thanks).

Sandra Stamos, Acupuncturist, Fairfax, CA (USA)


I attended your work shop in Santa Cruz this past weekend and really enjoyed the information and time you spent with each of us in learning the techniques.

Brian N. Hardy Acupuncturist Victoria, B.C. (CANADA)


Just a note to thank you for the wonderful workshop.  I really enjoyed learning from you. I already have started the work and this is amazing. Hope to see you again.

Tahmineh Nikookar, Acupuncturist, Vancouver, BC (CANADA)


I thoroughly enjoyed your class. I took your class at the Eastern School in Montclair, NJ. I would like to join your referral network.

Maryann McQuillan, Acupuncturist, Goshen, NY (USA) 


I attended your seminar this past weekend at NESA  and loved it! I hope with some practice that I will get your wonderful technique to the best of my ability.

Kristin Dudley, Acupuncturist (USA)


I did indeed enjoy your weekend class in Montclair and have recommended it to several of my work peers.

Rulon Brown, Acupuncturist, Jersey City, NJ (USA)


I just wanted to thank you for our fantastic Santa Cruz seminar.

Charles M. Goodwin, DC, LAc.  Santa Cruz, CA (USA)


I attended your September seminar in Vancouver, 2003, received certification, and spoke with you about being listed on your website. I would be totally honored to give a testimonial. 

Of the many seminars I have taken, yours has really been one of the most practical and beneficial ones to help build my practice and provide a genuinely exciting direction. I eagerly anticipate your book and know that it will be of great benefit to help my patients. 

I was very impressed with your healing abilities and like you, devoted to the use of my hands in my practise so I felt you’ve got that healing touch.  My practise has definitely changed since the seminar. I am more subtle.

I can honestly say that within the first weeks I had such enthusiastic results, I felt like devoting myself entirely to skin conditions. I had a case of shingles and a scleroderma patient that received superior results that were gleaned directly from your expertise. The shingles patient had a severe case on her forehead towards the eye. We used a hydrosol of Melissa (50%), German Chamomile(25%), and Lavender(25%) with a herbal formula. She loved the hydrosol so much I had to fill it twice for her because she felt it took the pain out immediately and helped her get over the intense acute period. She came a few weeks after to show me that her forehead was completely clear. Shortly after I had another elderly gentleman who said the same thing with his shingles. The hydrosol was so good and easy to apply for the burning sensation that accompanies the virus.

My scleroderma patient said the facial rejuvenation has made her feel normal in the mourning when she looks in the mirror and has continued treatments to the point that she is willing to be a before and after testimonial. The people in the health food store said she was looking so good and she was very happy to tell them what kind of treatments she was getting and from whom. But then again I’ve heard this a number of times already from others I have treated.

Rod Le Blanc, Dr. TCM, R.Ac. White Rock, BC (CANADA)


I really enjoyed your workshop on the facial rejuvenation at NIAOM in Seattle.  I already have 4 clients signed up and it’s only 2 days after I finished.  I’m so excited to try this out.

Jennifer Lund, Acupuncturist, Leavenworth, WA (USA)


Yes, my patient who had the series of 12 Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture treatments no longer wears glasses.  Her optometrist told me that there had been a change of 1.5 diopters, and this lady has worn glasses for driving, movies, tv, etc. since her teens.  She is very happy, doubly happy.

Lumiel Kim, Acupuncturist, San Rafael, CA (USA)


Thank you for a great class at Five Branches in Santa Cruz. Such a wealth of material! I’ve been working on a few people, gosh the results really can be amazing ! It is really surprising how very fun it is to put tiny Spinex intradermals into wrinkles.  Namaste

Diana Moll, L.Ac. Santa Cruz, California (USA)


I was glad to help and really enjoyed the class- we had fun and learned.  Please keep me informed on your seminars,for myself and others that have expressed interest.

Pam Hooks, Acupuncturist, Montclair, NJ (USA)


I would like to highly recommend Virginia Doran’s acupuncture facial rejuvenation class. I have received a lot of interest from my clients as to what Chinese Medicine can offer in terms of a more youthful appearance without surgery, and Virginia’s combination of acupuncture, herbs and aromatherapy are amazing. Her techniques address not just the superficial, cosmetic concerns of clients, but work to heal the person on a very deep level, so that mind/body/spirit are in balance, and therefore a more youthful appearance, as well as a greater level of health are attained. Thanks, Virginia, for your very informative, innovative class!

Mindy Singerman, Acupuncturist, California (USA)


Thank you so much for the course! It was fantastic. I feel so lucky and grateful to be able to come. Hope I can take your other courses in the future. 

Yanina Filipova, Acupuncturist, New York City (USA)


I thoroughly enjoyed the course and the company the whole weekend so thank you. I hope we meet again!

Maria Sagar Acupuncturist, Hamilton, ON (CANADA)


Thanks so much for sharing, caring and encouraging us through your workshop this weekend. It’s so nice for us to now be able to selectively continue our education outside of PCOM with Masters of Excellence like you. Good luck with your DVD. Would love an opportunity to purchase a copy once you’re done.

Louise Gallagher, L.Ac., New Jersey, (USA)


Thank you so much!  I really enjoyed the seminar.

Eva Zeller, L.Ac., Ardmore, PA (USA)


Virginia Doran’s enjoyable FRA course added a completely new dimension to my acupuncture practice, and it is one which is fascinating and a new way of engaging with clients.  A FRA treatment, as I provide it, is the “Gold standard” of all the treatments I offer, because it is so thorough. I do a good healing acupuncture treatment and make sure that any health issues are addressed, and I do a massage which is so nurturing for people, then I look at the face in detail with a client — that is so interesting, it tells a story.  Most important to me is empowerment through the treatments, and clients emerge somehow more beautiful, but also more themselves.  I love this time spent with women tackling the issue of aging together, and I find that through this issue we can reach places inside ourselves which steal so much of our life – force, places where we unjustly judge ourselves or try to be other than who we are.  But through these FRA treatments, it’s done in a way which is light, fun, we are aware that this is a great luxury – my most recent client said, “I feel like a Princess,” people come out feeling and looking so good that self-acceptance comes easier.  I have to say, as an acupuncturist who loves detail, I also really enjoy looking closely at the beautiful bones in the face and skull and I derive satisfaction from the sacred privilege of using these points, there is magic in them, and some of them relate to the window of the sky.

Julia Farrants, MBaCc, United Kingdom


Thank you for a presentation rich with information and inspiration, benefiting our participants and our Continuing Education Program.

Fred Cramer, Former Executive Director of the Acupuncture Society of New York


Thank you for your wonderful seminar last weekend at the New England school of acupuncture, on facial rejuvenation with essential oils and Hydrosols. 

I have been using the red–beam laser cluster from Thor, that I showed you, once every three days, on the wound line on my face, and I have been using the Hydrosols spray twice a day (and the Essential Oil formula) at night on the wound line. 

There is visible improvement on this wound line, and it has only been a week! There is still a ways to go, but I am so pleased with this progress!

Margaret Naeser, Ph.D., L.Ac., Research Professor of Neurology at Boston University, Boston, MA (USA)


I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful seminar.  I especially appreciated all of the practical tips – products, websites & phone numbers!  It seems not all seminars want to supply all the detailed info like this.  So thanks for that & for sharing your great technique.

Kerri Neubek, L.Ac., Doylestown, PA (USA)


Facial rejuvenation acupuncture was a three-day elective offered by my school. I decided to enroll because it sounded interesting; I’m very glad I did.

Virginia Doran was a captivating speaker. She shared a story about how someone told her she would be doing facelifts with acupuncture over a decade before it actually happened. Manifest destiny? Perhaps… Anyway, the course was fascinating. She recounted how certain clients would come to her, their faces hardened by life, and through her treatments she watched them soften and transform their hardness into beauty. We learned the facial rejuvenation massage protocol as well as the acupuncture protocol. It was intense – there was a LOT of information, but Virginia provided ample handouts, diagrams and instruction. I left the course feeling like this was something I really wanted to pursue. I still feel that way! I’ve got a year left of school, and I am hoping to have the opportunity to practice the protocol on patients in my school’s clinic. I would highly recommend this course! Not only will it bring life to your practice, it can help make the world a more beautiful place.

Melissa Wickey, L.Ac., LMT, Friday Harbor, WA (USA)


Thank you again for the excellent class you gave at Emperor’s College on Facial Rejuvenation.  I have now given several treatments to two patients.  They are very pleased with the results. 

Lynne Cotter Hanzelik, M.S.O.M., L.Ac., Woodland Hills, CA (USA)


I highly recommend Virginia Doran’s Facial Rejuvenation Certification Program.  Virginia is very passionate and knowledgeable in this field and is able to convey her expertise in a fashion that is easily understood and allows you to easily grasp and put into practice.

The DVD is also very beneficial and reinforced what was learned in class.  The two combined have allowed me to hit the ground running and immediately implement this in my practice.

I love Virginia’s approach to Facial Rejuvenation as it is very profound and focuses on so much more than the superficial appearance of the face.  Her method truly allows one to assist others in bringing out their inner radiance and luminosity.

Dr. Claire J. Edwards, R. Ac, TCMD, Calgary, Canada


I took your June seminar in New Preston and after seeing a couple of patients utilizing your approach, I wanted to let you know that I think that you provided a great base for understanding and performing facial acupuncture following your protocol.  I will have to let you know my long-term results.

Deirdre Williams, ND, Wilton, CT (USA)


It has now been 7 years since I took your course at the Naturopathic College in Toronto.  I decided to compare a photo of a client I had taken during the initial 12 sessions to a more recent photo.

I see the client regularly for health preservation mostly, and we occasionally do a top up of the face, although we have never done the full 12 sessions again.  In fact, we have done maybe two in a row or one a month for a few months.  Also have long stretches where the face isn’t the focus.

I took the recent photo and showed the two photos to someone who doesn’t know the person personally.  He could tell which one was the younger photo, although he preferred the look of the more recent photo – thought the skin looked better overall.

When I said there was a 7-year difference in the photos he said, “I would have thought 2 years max.”

As the client has transitioned from their 50’s into their 60’s during this time period, I thought this was excellent.

I wanted to say thank you for developing and sharing your technique.

With gratitude and wishing you continued success,

Pamela Moore Hon. Dip. Ac. RN, Saskatchewan, Canada


Hi Virginia, I’m a student of yours that trained in the early 2000s in Massachusetts with you.  Also, we had a class together in Toronto some years ago.  I’m so grateful to have been able to have had you as a teacher.  I’m using the techniques that you taught me, regularly.  Thank you much.  Hope to see you again soon.

Cheryl Turner, L.Ac., Detroit, MI (USA)


I would like to assist in the Florida courses so I can further my practice of the facial technique. P.S. had a great time at the course in Fort Lauderdale.

Simone Speyer, PT, AP, DOM Acupuncturist, Pembroke Pines, Florida (USA)


Like I said, this is the first time ever, that something has been able to clear up my acne type skin! I like it because it’s much smoother, the pores are smaller, and it’s less likely to break out. A noticeable difference showed up after just a few days of use of your hydrosol.

Susan Capestro, Music composer and Teacher, Lincoln, MA (USA)


Thank you for your workshop on facial rejuvenation! I have incorporated some of your techniques with remarkable efficacy.  Thanks again!  Your workshop was outstanding!

Justin Bean, C.A., Somers Point, NJ (USA)